Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Indoor Air Pollution - 3838 Words

Many people think of pollution as the air that we breathe outdoors. Not everyone realizes that the air we breathe indoors is much more polluted. There are pollutants in the atmosphere that have reached a level that is causing a threat to the health of individuals. Pollution began in the early times from the gases of molten volcanic activity being released into the atmosphere. Additional pollutants were caused by the combustion of biomass, volatilization of organic compounds, and the release of bio-effluents from living organisms. Pollutants can be caused by the natural movements and actions of the planet itself. Particles can become suspended in the air by abrasive action of surface winds, fires, wave action, and the fracture of†¦show more content†¦A sick building is distinguished from a normal one when the majority of the occupants are suffering from symptoms of sick building syndrome. Sick building syndrome occurs when a building has insufficient ventilation or ther mal control, inadequate maintenance of building systems, changes in thermal or contaminant loads, changes in building operation to meet new objectives such as energy conservation and inadequate design of a building for its intended use. Some other contributing factors may include physical, chemical, biological, and psychosocial factors. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) was established by the United Nations to watch the world environmental conditions. They are to alert governments around the world of impending ecological dangers. The governments are to then attempt to avoid these dangers by preventative measures. The UNEP has pointed out to the government that pollution does not respect national boundaries and feels that the atmospheric degradation is causing the increase in illness and deaths among humans; the most susceptible are children and the elderly. Pollutants are emitted into the air nationwide by both natural and manmade pollutants. Emissions from natura l resources are caused by living and non-living sources, The emissions that are produced in an area lead to a natural background concentration which varies depending on the local source of the emissions and theShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Air Pollution And Indoor Pollution1288 Words   |  6 Pagestoo much exposure from air pollution? This is becoming a global problem because of the extremely high levels of toxins and chemicals being produced. So how do we reduce air pollution? First, we all must educate ourselves and become aware of the rising health problems related to pollution. The majority of individuals today are unaware of the chronic illnesses that can occur from polluted air. 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